Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Festivities and More

It's hard to believe that just 3 months ago, the camp looked like this. But it's even harder to believe that aside from a brief and soggy visit from Arlo & Peg in May, we may have been the first visitors at the camp this 4th of July Weekend.

We arrived late Friday evening just so I could wake up at the camp. This was my only birthday request...and well worth the effort...or should I say Andy's effort. On Saturday, the girls and Andy began rebuilding the fairy house while I went to town to hunt & gather for food at the farmers market.

The fairy house, or should I say complex, sustained a little bit of damage over the winter. And now as I look at this picture taken by Dad in April, I see that the treasure chest was left by the fairies... probably last fall. The girls were thrilled to find the trinkets and figurines. They spruced up the house and added some nice touches to the landscaping... putting the figurines to work immediately. I hope they don't scare the fairies away.

Dad dropped by for a brief visit and, in Arlon's absence, put Andy to work clearing some fallen limbs off the roof of Camp 2. Andy was surprised to find several salamanders and a worm who had taken up residence on the roof.

We dropped by Ginger's house (down the road a bit on the right just before the small camp with a great garden...and across from Buster's house) who we met last year. She has a few grandchildren Lily & Anna's her house is geared towards kids, especially the new tree house. Much to their delight, there were even more grand-kids visiting this time. Later that afternoon we caught maybe the world's smallest parade in Maple Corners. Most of it was highlighting their latest fund-raiser to buy a raft for the public beach. (Did you know that the beach at the start of camp road is now open to all residents? And the barn/field across the way is too?)

Sunday (the 3rd) was a bit rainy so the kids turned to paper, cardboard boxes, tape & staples (Dad, we owe you a roll of tape!) and voila! Anna had a full suit of armor to take on that
fire-breathing dragon.

By early afternoon we made our way down to Montpelier for all the street shows, road race, parade and finally the fireworks.

I have to say the road race is inspiring and for a few brief seconds I thought it is something I could do. Lots of families...of all ages...running it. And even a few characters such as this one.

We caught some nibblies and refreshments at Julio's with street-side outdoor seating.

And then there was the parade. I think this one, Raging Grannies, captured the essence of it all. It really was quite eclectic...only in Vermont would you see all of this.

And as I'm typing this, a few minutes from midnight, bemoaning what lies ahead this week...I can't help but think that I wish I were back up at the Camp.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Turkeys 'n Ice

Too nice to stay in Willie ~~ been getting stuff together for camp this week and was there by 9:30 AM. Pretty muddy taking the "shortcut" through M'sex but just had to get off 89. Saw this band of turkeys with two toms showing off for the ladies ~~ the alpha tom was being pretty nasty with his mentee. No snow at camp but still ice on the pond as you can discern ~~ stood on the ice off end of the dock without sudden drop in altitude. Really was lovely today ~~ even warmer tomorrow, possibly hi 70s. Everything in and around camp looked in order, awaiting your arrival. Dad